

‘Life is a mystery in which chance and love are dancing together.’ Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys.

Our earth, and all life upon it is in a transformative process of awakening to greater fulfilment and creativity. If you are reading this then you may be seeking someone who can walk alongside you on your own journey to discover the truth, wholeness and power of who you are. The Celts called such a person an anam cara (soul friend) - someone who had walked further and longer on the path of expansion and could assist others.

What are you and I awakening to? That we are an expression of consciousness existing in human form, alongside and connected with consciousness expressed in all forms and that we are in the process of expanding and blossoming. This blossoming leaves behind the limitations and suffering of our non-awake state and all of life on this planet will bloom. As with all flowering plants, some parts of the whole will blossom first.

Part of this awakening involves living our lives from the understanding that we are individually and collectively creating our realities in every moment, as our thoughts and emotions imprint on the world around us. As more people on the planet realise that they are creators and not victims of their reality we will transform our shared experience into one that is heart based, collaborative, joyful and fulfilling. The constrictions, pain and inequality of life experienced from the mind/ego will be over. You are part of this transformation, and I am excited and honoured to be walking this path with you.

I am a mother of 3 adult sons, a primary school teacher, Adlerian psychotherapist and transformative breathwork facilitator. The intuitive and responsive work draws from a wealth of therapeutic technique and spiritual tradition including Adlerian Lifestyle therapy, trans-personal visualisation, Buddhism, connected breathwork, mindfulness/meditation, energy medicine, yoga nidra, sound healing, systemic constellation, and shamanic journeying. In my outer work and inner journey I harness the profound widom and practical approaches of both the Gene Key genekeys.com and Law of Attraction abraham-hicks.com bodies of work.

I support those in my local area in person, offering bespoke group and individual breathwork, constellation and journeying sessions at my home and garden in the UK. I work with individuals, families and groups and can offer half or whole day sessions for those travelling further. All sessions are based on my hourly rate of £75 and I am able to support individuals and small groups online via zoom.

Outside of this work I spend much time in nature: walking, gardening and collaborating with physical and non-physical consciousness around me. I feel very blessed to be alive in this unprecedent evolutionary moment and look forward to sharing the blessing and liberation of this blossoming of consciousness with you in these powerfully shifting times. Email me to find out more or to book a session to support you or your group.

Sarah Chapman April 2024