Connected Breathwork


Connected breathwork is a powerful technique promoting self-expansion, balancing, and healing that has profound effects on our emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual bodies. CB shares similarities with other transformative breathwork e.g, Rebirthing (developed by psychologist Leonard Orr in the 1970s to support the release of past supressed memories and experiences), and Holotropic breathwork (created by Christina and Stanislav Grof around the same time to access altered states of consciousness as a therapeutic tool, without the use of psychedelics). CB shifts individuals into states of consciousness where barriers to greater fulfilment in life, including trauma, can be overcome. It can enable transcendental expansions and experiences of our oneness/al-lness to come forward and can also enable access to expanded realms.

Trauma will only come forward during a CB session if this is appropriate for expansion, healing, and balancing. The experience is self-directed and empowering, unfolding perfectly in the moment and with full consciousness.

CB utilises specialist breathing techniques and is a safe practice for all people, including those with a range of physical challenges. With consent pressure points and supportive touch are used to enhance both release and connection within the individual and with the wider/universal self.

Music is used throughout for warming up, energetic breathing and the relaxation/integration period (both generally 20-30 minutes). I completed my training in 2018-19 with Stephen Monne at Adem en Stem in the Netherlands. I am experienced in facilitating individual and small group sessions (maximum 8). I am keen to promote groupwork within partnerships, families, and communities as the experience of collective breathwork is powerful and transformative. It would also be exciting to work in collaboration with live music.