Shamanic Journeying


Shamanic practices seek information and support from, and expansion into the unseen realms for integration within the current dimension in the here and now. Traditionally, this includes co-creation with nature and animal spirits but can also include angelic and cosmic realms.

I worked 1-1 at a deep level with a shamanic practitioner for 2 years and completed a short shamanic training with The Sacred Trust in 2019. Guided journeying and visualisation within nature and other realms connects us with the unconditional love, encouragement, and collaboration to be accessed and shared here to benefit our own and our collective journey.

I interact intuitively with the assistance that comes forward through groups and individuals in sessions and enable others to feel confident in continuing and further exploring these connections.

Systemic Constellation

Systemic Constellation is a somatic (in body) exploration of life situations involving the mind, emotions, body, and spiritual/metaphysical dimension in any system (within an individual, family, social, work, ecological, global etc). It goes beyond the understanding of the analytical mind to include the wisdom of the autonomic nervous system as well as the intuitive mind. It also accesses experience and blueprints from family, ancestral lines, other lifetimes, and the overall human collective. The energetic imprints of these influencing factors are embodied within us and constellation enables these to be honestly felt, experienced with kindness and transformed with appreciation for the learning and expansion delivered.

Constellation brings forward understanding and integration in a way that cannot be accessed with talking therapy and can be used to explore systems a person does not directly see themselves as connected with (at least initially). In lockdown I developed means of experiencing constellation remotely using visualisation which I now use alongside in body constellation through physical movement.