Conscious Dying and Birthing

The arrival of a new life and passing over of a loved one (including animal companions) are profound times for all involved. Collaboration at these momentous times may involve bringing emotional and thought/belief patterns into consciousness for integration and release through Adlerian lifestyle work and breathwork. Alongside this, connection with the huge support in the unseen realms can be made through mediation, visualisation and journeying.

Making space for conscious dying, which reduces fear and expands loving connection for all involved, is deeply needed in our culture and in our times. Only when we embrace the journey of death can we truly and fully live. I am able to bring my broad experience to end of life for individuals and to support family in this time of great challenge, uncertainty and upheaval.

Support with conscious dying creates freedom for those passing over to embark ‘on the next adventure’, as one client described. It also encourages freedom for those carrying on in this plane of existence to expand around their grief and pain into great love and acceptance.

I am able to support preparations for the coming of a new life, involving the examination and integration of emotional and thought/belief patterns that will affect the environment that the newcomer arrives into. Whether a new soul is joining a single parent or a large family, a chance to examine internal habits and mental structures can create an new and expanded space of greater confidence, nurturing and love for all involved.

Please note that I am neither trained as a birth or death doula.  My involvement is on a level of supporting emotional, mental and spiritual experience and conscious engagement with life changes, and not on the practical aspects of birth and death.